Presence (Conway) was a site-sensitive installation of six foot tall photographic images printed on hanging banners. The banners flanked a looped video projection, and in both, photographs of individuals were montaged with images of the landscape. The piece was temporarily installed in the Lower River Warehouse in Conway, South Carolina. The circa 1880s warehouse overhangs the banks of the Waccamaw River.
The warehouse is a significant location in various community narratives. I chose the site because it is at the heart of a challenging relationship between the local people and the environment. The most notable features of the Horry County landscape are rivers and streams such as the Waccamaw. They carve boundaries, limit movement over land and have played a major role in shaping the area economically, socially and politically. Because of its historical influence on the community, I chose the Waccamaw River as the major motif in this work, creating a metaphoric river of photographic images within the warehouse. The piece was a reunion of the people with their environment.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Digital video, dimensions variable. Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.

Pigment inkjet print on silk, 72"h x 32"w.